A while back I did a free LinkedIn and resume review giveaway and I got over 500 entries in 5 days! There was no way I could review 500 resumes so instead I decided to give everyone instructions on how to review someone’s resume and match them with one of the other participants.
I get dozens of requests on a daily basis to review people’s resumes so I decided to share exactly what I would do in a resume review to everyone so you can basically be my proxy. Grab a friend, a family member, a random stranger… or if all else fails a mirror, and do a resume swap!
If you’re more of a visual learner I also made a video of me reviewing a candidates resume and LinkedIn following these same steps. If this feels daunting for you, do a review along with me here:
Ready, set, go…
Step 1: What can you tell in 60 seconds?
Recruiters and hiring managers have to go through thousands of resumes and usually don’t spend a lot of time trying to read your whole resume. Put a timer on for 60 seconds and jot down everything you assume about this person from this…